Start First UCI race of 2017 ✓
Finish ✓
Enjoy ✓
Going into the race having already seen the course I really had no idea how I was going to do. It was only my 4th road race of the year and longest race of the year so far. At best, I thought I would hang on to a group of some description towards the back of the race if I was lucky.
We set off and I thought to myself:
‘My legs actually feel alright! I might not do completely terrible’
Not that it actually meant anything because I had no indication of how my fitness was compared to anyone else in the race.
Mentally, the race in my head was to the bottom of the climb in order to get a good position at the bottom. If I did this then I will have given myself the best chance I could.
10km before the climb I thought ‘start moving up’
I know I am not the best at holding my position so I had to keep telling myself to constantly move forward and not get swamped.
I was about top 25 at the bottom of the climb, not too bad!
More or less as soon as we hit the climb the bunch started to stretch and gaps appeared. I just rode my own pace and I was very happy with how I was climbing. It gave me a lot of confidence because my form is better than I expected.
A group of 17 up at the front of the race, followed by a group of 6 riders just in front of me and a larger group not far behind me. I was by myself over the crest of the hill.