New bike!
I am riding on a Cannondale Slice RS- Thank you to Ewood Bikes and my Dad for building it up in time for the race.
It’s beautiful!!

Buxton Hilly 22miles,
It was a very windy day. The circuit consisted of a head wind, cross wind, tail wind and repeat.
I set off with my visor fogged – not ideal! It always seems to fog in patches just in front of my eyes!
I slogged through the head wind up and down the multiple hills. It then turned into the cross wind and I realised how windy it was!! As I couldn’t ride in the skis in the cross wind! This made it difficult on a rolling road needing to change gear frequently.
The tail wind section had me spinning out and actually not wanting to go much faster, with a couple of technical corners.

Good to get the first race done on my new bike! Feels like a fast bike and it is light for a TT bike. Now I just need to get more miles out on the TT bike to get used to it, even though I found it quite easy to race on having only ridden it for an hour before the race!
I Hope it’s not as windy in my next TT.